Hi, my name is Joseph Buonocore and my reflection towards this class on the theories and relevant subjects that tie together will be entirely, and gladly, based off of what I have learned throughout the semester. The real issues of reality are the most of our concerns when it comes to human rights. Human rights are our natural endowments and give us the same essentials that provide for us a basic lifestyle considering others in perspectives where respect is the border line. Human rights are not to be violated and give us the insight of freedom to explore the universe for what it is and for many of the most important roles, to me are research and studying, and give us a guideline on how to be a better human being. Unfortunately, due to the many misconceptions and viral corruptions that portray life as unfair are due to the massive amounts of violations that are being promoted to others. Violation of these rights includes the underground trafficking of slaves. Slavery demeans and tools those who are brought into this world uneducated and unaware of their surroundings and is with a hateful or purposeful intention used for labor to profit from. If there is one thing I have learned from this class is that slavery is not only a harmful tool to others but a structure that is constantly used in our everyday lives. The structure I am talking about is the structure that blinds the human eye and creates an illusionary environment where our sole purpose in life is to do what we are told to do instead of doing what we want to do by nature, what we love doing most with ourselves. The curtains that life gives us are staged by the men who format the system to be that way and in the deepest manner want to benefit from everything but not give back. Dr. Martin Luther King’s A Testament of Hope gives the insight that the world is not built up by goodwill, but rather built up on individuality. His beliefs were of those that will never give up in the sense that world will correct itself as long as you work together under the same cause and not have war, racism, or any type of economic exploitation become a part of our lives. It was because of king that my eyes were opened to see to it that my country is not in any way what should be, that there is a potential for the greater good but used for self-greed. The love Dr. King used was not at all the love we think it is, the love he was talking is years ahead of our time, the love I am talking about is the level of love that is agape. Agape’s true nature works as a healing measure where ones recognition of the other in understanding and accepting your enemy can exploit both sides for the greater cause. Agape to King is not to be distributed with humility, but rather have your enemy become your closest friend. The greatest lesson I have learned and will never forget will be of that with agape. The cruel punishments, the unfair trials and the years of brutality African Americans have been given in the past had gone to show that nothing will ever amount to peace and non-violence. Dr. King’s non-violence theory is a lesson that should be given to every child that provoking your enemy will do nothing but provide a grudge and fill your senses with spite. Not only that but because of the technology it is now possible that arguments that intimidate both sides of the fight will only lead to certain death and nothing will be resolved. The nonviolent theory shows us that there is nothing in the world better than the feeling of understanding, goodwill and brotherhood. The connection between Linguistics and Nonviolence is vocal and law. The law can go into great lengths of either assuring a person their rights or denying them, but can be used to best describe what is natural or what is accustomed in different point of views. Cultures for instance are to be abided by but is opinionated that most of those accustoms are wrong as they violate the natural rights of humans The strength derived in Dr. King’s marches were not derived from pure cause, but because of the amount of power in his peaceful yet aggressive tones he used throughout all of his campaigns. Martin Luther King’s voice in his campaigns was the symbolic turning point that gradually led the people to believe that there is nothing to lose when your cause is for the common good. It was because of his voice, that he was able to gather so many people and with no use of gun or sword was able to change the world’s view on human rights. Mahatma Gandhi’s method of nonviolence and law had similar functions to Dr.Kings but in overall view was able to show that the only way to help and improve others is peaceful understanding. Religion as a role in both methods roots back to the days of Christianity and Buddhism, in their perspectives it is not the person you are looking at, but his words of wisdom that the person has to offer. Jesus may I state said “When you are struck down, offer the other cheek”. He is not teaching you do just one thing but you must do another to do what is right and understand .Another recited moral from Buddhism’s own method of “sahasrara” teaches that the elements of peaceful understanding are the only methods that not only resolve but understand between both right and wrong .Other major ideas that have come from the same sense are the ideas of theory and reality. Theory and reality are the images that we have the potential to work together and make our lives less corrupt yet cant because of the already made up system. But Dr. King’s non-violent theory had broken the gap between theory and reality and has greatly gone into depth to show that anything is possible when we work together as one voice. The best lessons I was able to form from my cluster classes were the lessons of morals and ethics we can develop to fix our already corrupt world and why the world is for what it is. The real root of evil starts by denying people their rights and it is because that, that our society is not as advanced as it should be. We cannot just sit back and live in silence when the basic thing in this world for it to progress is to affirm that everyone has the right to life and not just those of certain “groups”. Professor Justin Rogers and Professor Blagojevic were able to show us that the humans by nature can resolve any problem as long as there is a voice to be heard. Using the human strength of voice alone can make a difference in ours and other’s lives by just peacefully protesting the differences of right and wrong. Learning that we are all a part of the same accustoms and that we should treat each other with the same amount of respect that we deserve and should have towards everyone has become the lesson not only to use but to self-reflect on ourselves. If there is one thing i have learned is that there should be no judgmental thought towards anyone as we are all the same and that our characteristics define us for who we are or where we grew up. Human rights has taught me many things but in overall i have seen the ugly side of society and it is unfortunate that the potential world we live in could do so much better, if we just stopped for a minute and think "why am i doing this". Greed, slavery, dehumanization of those less fortunate and uneducated, and law in politics all lead to money. Money is the gap that separates us from "reality and theory". In my own view, it’s an abolished and corrupt world full of criticism and contradictions trying to hold itself in an illusionary environment which prevents us from being who we truly are and pursuing what we love the most. Human rights have in great depth shown me that we need to make theory come alive. There is too much going on that we do not know about including the underground trafficking of slaves. Human rights have impacted me incredibly with no over exaggeration. The views I had on things back then and today are completely different thanks to a class full of people with different backgrounds and experiences. I could not be the same after leaving. My reflection on this class is to pursue in doing what IS right and try not only change myself but to show others the ethics and that we all deserve the same respect and rights that we are born with. Human beings have senses that give us the unique characteristic of who we are and define us for why we’re different. In the end, we do not judge people off of their personality; we have no differences, internally, emotionally and mentally.
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